Gilbert & Oleg's Fahrieté

cirque rue
Grand Rue 70
2608 Courtelary - BE
founded in 1998

Contact persons

Andreas Vettiger
Management, acting, production - +41 32 944 22 43
Gilbert & Oleg's Fahrieté
© zvg
Clowning, Magic, Music, Theater, Tales
Gilbert & Oleg are a magical, comical, musical and artistic duo. They are on the road with their small travelling theatre "Fahrieté" that seats 40 people. Since 2017, they also have a covered outdoor stage that seats 150.


cirque rue
Robin Hood - The Great Resist
2021 | 120 min | Erwachsene und Kinder ab 7 Jahren*NIM | German | Fixed, Installation, under the big top | indoor | currently on tour