Natures mortes

Cie Moost
Natures mortes
© David Melendy
Year of creation : 2022 - currently on tour
Duration : 75 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language
Type : Fixed | indoor
acro, clown, equilibre, magie, Danse
Natures Mortes is a late-night show that can be watched at noon. Natures Mortes is a trio but in fact it's more like three people alone in the same room. Natures Mortes is a Christmas playlist that you listen to in January in a retirement home. Natures Mortes is an unfinished party or one that never really started. Natures Mortes is a karaoke that no one watches, a full glass from the night before still on the table. Natures Mortes is a throw of a dart with no definite target, it's a lot of pastel balloons, and a pellet rifle. Natures Mortes is about flimsy tables, peanuts falling on the floor, cheap plastic wigs, a wise dog with a bow tie. Natures Mortes is the circus of the living room, it's a few hiccups, neurasthenic theatre, and other words that nobody understands.

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